Red Twig Botanicals

Wellness in Bloom

About the Practitioner


Jennifer Roth CMT,BSc.  


Licensed Massage Therapist trained in Massage Cupping, Lymphatic Drainage and Complete Decongestive Therapry, Arvigo Maya Abdominal & Uterine Massage, Rossiter techniques, Bach Flower Level II Practitioner, as well as an herbal medicine practitioner.

I specialize in therapeutic cupping massage, working with women recovering from breast cancer, and herbal medicine centered on womens health concerns. I graduated from Bastyr University in Kenmore, Washington with a Bachelors of Science in Herbal Sciences.

As my education focused in medicine making, I am honored to work with plants and am blessed to have used my training for the two years I worked at Apothecary Tinctura in their laboratory preparing medicine for clients and customers after graduating from Bastyr Universtiy. 

I have been interested in Women’s Health, plants and massage since I was young and am on a life long journey of learning from plants and people that surround us. I believe that if we sit still long enough and listen they will teach us! As a child, I could be found in the garden eating all of the ripe vegetables before others knew they were ready for picking...Looking back, I realize that I innately knew how to listen to plant wisdom at this early age.

My passion in life is to help educate people on their journey in life with natural remedies and bodywork.  The current focus of my practice is lymphatic drainage of people recovering from surgeries and the ancient healing practices of cupping.  A modality used thousand of years ago to help many ailments of the body.  The negative pressure suction cups help to detoxify the body, increase blood flow and break up scar tissue, including much more.  My dream is to educate and provide nurturing for the community in which we live.

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